Le grandi scoperte archeologiche che hanno cambiato la storia by Massimo Manzo

Le grandi scoperte archeologiche che hanno cambiato la storia by Massimo Manzo

Author:Massimo Manzo [Manzo, Massimo]
Language: ita
Format: epub
Publisher: Newton Compton Editori
Published: 2023-04-21T22:00:00+00:00

332 Cfr. Robin Birley, Vindolanda: Everyday Life on Rome’s Northern Frontier, Amberley Publishing, Gloucester 2009, ebook.

333 Ivi, ebook.

334 Cfr. Melissa M. Terras, Image to Interpretation. An intelligent system to aid historians in reading the Vindolanda texts, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2006, pp. 2-3.

335 Per maggiori informazioni sul trust, vedi https://www.vindolanda.com/?gclid=Cj0KCQiAu62QBhC7ARIsALXIjXR8PFE5ylq2d4hCC1VC86KEHF-6K3byQF3WTmHE-SjOludqT4ZzAI4aAtKAEALw_wcB.

336 Cfr. Robin Birley, op. cit., ebook.


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